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Clothes of High Priest

High Priest behind the main work - contact establishment good luck. Contact establishment good luck was possible, mainly, through sacrifice. On this reconstruction this grass sacrifice in the Temple before the Inner Sanctum

The High Priest behind the main work - contact establishment good luck. Contact establishment good luck was possible, mainly, through sacrifice. On this reconstruction this grass sacrifice in the Temple before the Inner Sanctum

That is represented in this photo - not simply a sample of an attire of the High Priest, described in the Dummy at the Institute of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem are dressed on the real clothes for the High Priest for the Third Jerusalem Templebook Exodus 28. This attire of the high priest which is prepared for service in the third Temple which else should be built. All metal compound attires are made, as well as it is necessary, from pure gold, part of clothes stones on an omophor - precious are stitched by gold threads.

On the head of the High Priest - a gold crown with a name of God Izraels: "The Lord's shrine". Above this crown the high priest has no right to raise hands: the name of God that over it hands of the High Priest rose is too great for this purpose.

Dummy at the Institute of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem are dressed on the real clothes for the High Priest for the Third Jerusalem Temple

The bottom of a blue efod (short clothes) from wool is framed with hand bells. When once in a year the High Priest came in the Inner Sanctum, on a sound of hand bells attendants of the Temple outside could be guided, whether the high priest on the room behind a veil moves or not. After once the High Priest fainted and about days nobody decided to enter inside - began to tie to a foot of the High Priest a rope that if something to happen to him - to extend him outside.

Hand bells on a hem of clothes of the High Priest which is prepared for service in future Third Temple. And clothes for the Third Temple the Temple Institute in Jerusalem is engaged in preparation of things

Hand bells on a hem of clothes of the High Priest which is prepared for service in future Third Temple. And clothes for the Third Temple the Temple Institute in Jerusalem is engaged in preparation of things

breastplate Urim and ThummimThe breastplate of High Priest is of special interest. Modern masters tried to transfer in accuracy the description of an omophor across Exodus 28:15-30. Thus before us well-known "Urim and Thummim", through it Misters tsars Judaic questioned: Urim and Thummim


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