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The Third Temple Jerusalem -

a state of affairs for today and what to wait in the future

Third Jerusalem Temple is built today so far only in the hearts of expecting and in computer graphics. At architects everything is ready

The Third Jerusalem Temple is built today so far only in the hearts of expecting and in computer graphics. At architects everything is ready!


Western Wall in Jerusalem - a live broadcast to the place of future Third Jerusalem Temple

"Why the first Temple was destroyed? Because there were three terrible things: idolatry, immorality, bloodshed. And why the second Temple was destroyed? Because groundless hatred" Yoma Folio/Talmud

The third Temple - a state of affairs for today

The place where there will be the third Temple meanwhile "rents" a Muslim complex of mosques. On a place of the second destroyed Temple now there are 2 main events. On this place in the 16th century the Al-Aqsa Mosque was built. In it Muslims on the festivals conveniently settle down. Historians, tracing a way of some cult subjects from the second Temple which were taken out by Romans, come in the conclusions to opportunity that the gold dome of Al Aksa could is made of these things. If this is so, it is possible to tell that part of things, the truth in the melted look, already returned on the place. This gold will be also used in production of things for the Third Temple? To the Jewish male wishing would like to stand on that place where their fathers worshipped, insistently advise to change in clothes all signs of Judaism in clothes and to assume a Muslim air (for example, to dress a skullcap).

On a place where the third Temple now has to be built On a place where the third Temple now has to be built there is an Al-Aqsa Mosque. Some competent Jewish researchers specify that the Inner sanctum was just under a gold dome of a mosquethere is an Al-Aqsa Mosque. Some competent Jewish researchers specify that the Inner sanctum was just under a gold dome of a mosque

The judicial order of the state of Israel Jews are forbidden to pray here to preserve the peace with Arabs. In any civilized country of the world it would be apprehended as racism.

But some Judaic religious schools aren't advised at all to come there to Jews as there is still unknown authentic a place, the Inner sanctum on which if the Jew went, I could not survive settled down where exactly. However, some competent Jewish researchers specify that the Inner sanctum was just under a gold dome of a mosque.

In the present Al-Aqsa Mosque there are underground rooms. For what they served to tell difficult. That Muslims claim that from this place Muhammad rose on the sky, of course, full nonsense.

Р’In a present mosque which is on a place of future Third Temple

In a present mosque which is on a place of future Third Temple

Some forwarding agents assumed that somewhere there are treasures of the second Temple. Risking life, one Englishman, having bribed someone from Muslims, I tried to find these treasures here.

На этом снимке изображён разочаровавшийся экспедитор за сокровищами Храма Паркер

In this picture the disappointed forwarding agent for treasures of the Temple Parker is represented

Having found nothing, but also without having finished work, it and his assistants were compelled to run from the territory of the former Temple, saving the lives from Muslims.

Western Wall

Meanwhile some functions of the Temple are adopted by a so-called Western Wall (The Western Wall, Kotel and Marovi in Hebrew). Here meanwhile all rest of the world also huddles. This wall as it is considered, isn't the remains of the second Temple. Jesus crying about destiny of the second Temple it was completely executed: from the second Temple didn't remain "a stone on a stone".The Western (Western) Wall


The Western (Western) Wall

The Western Wall is an attempt to restore the Temple which came to the end with the tragedy: it fell to builders and many of them crushed. And, nevertheless, it, most likely, is a certain base which stores hope that construction will be continued.

What to wait in the future?

Both Temples were built on Mauriat's the mountain - on that mountain and, most likely, is exact on that place where Abraham wanted to sacrifice the sovy son Isaak. The Novozavtny prophecy says that during dispersion of Jews on the world, there will be "time of pagans". But it will pass. There will be the third Temple in which on a throne the pseudo-Messiah will sit in the beginning, giving out itself for God. Directly after these events Jews, having seen that were mistaken in the person whom counted as the deliverer Messiah ("Mashiakh" in Hebrew), investigate the history and the one who in was around the world accepted as the deliverer - Jesus Christ (mi Natseret's Yeokhshua in Hebrew) - isn't accepted still only by Jews. It will be officially recognized the Messiah, the people will repent of rejection and will appeal to God about his (Jesus) arrival. Such Christian prophecy.

For today for the present nobody represents as El Acs's mosque can disappear and on this place to arise the third Temple because of political instability in the region. But, the latest events in the Middle East, showed that Palestinians began to use rockets which from the territory of Gaza already reach Jerusalem. It is quite probable that once such crazy rocket will get to Al Aksa. At least already enough big supermarkets, stations and other big buildings in Israel was built up on a place of waste grounds where the Palestinian rocket got and did by the explosion a ditch for future construction there.

The top view into place where the third Temple will be built

The top view into place where the third Temple will be built

Excavation at the southern wall is at the moment conducted. This excavation shows that the remained walls go very deeply to the earth. Also some scientists assume several superstructures, later on time, about what tell different types of layings of stones.

Round the Temple place settle down today primitive Arab inhabited constructions which, speaking to the Revelations language are "time of pagans" and don't reflect the real face of the sacred city of Jerusalem.

Anyway, but on Christian prophecies of the book "Revelations" there is a prophecy on the third Temple. We live in that historical time when preparation for implementation of this prophecy goes at full speed. And currently literally in several tens meters from construction of future Jerusalem Temple in full readiness there are ready cult things for the Third Temple: Temple Institute in Jerusalem.

So far the Third Jerusalem Temple remains in dreams:

Rabbis on a place of future Third Temple try on a look

Rabbis on a place of future Third Temple "try on a look"

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