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Temple things

What is depicted in these photographs - not just a sampleof the Temple utensils. These are real things that are prepared to serve in the Third Temple in Jerusalem. They exhibited Temple Institute in Jerusalem.

Musical instruments are made with meticulous precision, as far as possible to skilled craftsmen of our time to reconstruct them survived to our time information.

For 2000 years, the technology of manufacturing of musical instruments took a step, of course, very far from simple acoustic lira and copper pipes, but priests prefer to maintain the authenticity of the Temple utensils old times

For 2000 years, the technology of manufacturing of musical instruments took a step, of course, very far from simple acoustic lira and copper pipes, but priests prefer to maintain the authenticity of the Temple utensils old times

According to jewish legends, singing in the Temple of Jerusalem did not stop the clock: one shift musicians replaced by another, and thus ,the glorification of God is constant.

Harp for the Third Temple in JerusalemMusical Instruments for the Third Temple in Jerusalem - LiraMusical Instruments for the Third Temple in Jerusalem - Shofar


Things for the Third Temple of Jerusalem - Shelves shewbreadThings for the Third Temple of Jerusalem - Altar


Shelves shewbread



Golden Menorah - menorah , which God commanded Moses to make the pattern of one of the plantsThings for the Third Temple of Jerusalem - Menorah



Golden Menorah - menorah, which God commanded Moses to make the pattern of one of the plants

Things for the Third Temple of Jerusalem - Laver

Things for the Third Temple of Jerusalem - Laver


archaeological find: the scoop of the Second Temple in Jerusalem

The archaeological find: the scoop of the Second Temple in Jerusalem

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